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Melting Obstacles with the Masters Millionaires Tao
Who will even listen to a teenage girl, living in abject poverty with her mom; not even an indoor toilet, summer or winter? Little visible hope for improvement? Not exactly at the top of her class scholastically, the only thing she was sure of was that she HAD to change her way of living. Although her mom DID find them a car to live in, they both stayed utterly focused on the teenager's musical efforts. Even with talent, you know good and well how hard it is when you're just flat broke. Where is a girl of 15 going to turn?
As we've seen so often before, a loving, supportive parent can help work miracles. With barely 45 strikeouts, it took just two short years for Jewel became one of America's best-known singing stars, earning millions with her guitar and voice. What have YOU done lately to feel great about you and your potential?
Answer, for cryin' out loud: What have YOU done lately to feel great about you & your potential?
What you have inside of you means very little, if anything... ... until you bring it out for us to see and hear, hm?
Some people think I’m a bit harsh in stating that 90 to 95 percent of the people on this planet are losers who should contribute to resource conservation by conveniently walking off into the ocean. It’s hard to argue with my belief that 90% of the people in this country are losers, NOT because they don’t have more, rather, because they DO have more ... and decide not to use the resources they already possess.
How insentiently foolish!
Even for something as simple as pushing your F11 button to eliminate distractions, we just need to take a single, simple step.
I’m sure you’re not one of these people.
You’re living to your fullest potential, aren’t you?
I mean,
YOU certainly wouldn’t flush your life down the drain in a day-by-day attempt to make it to the weekend, would you?
YOU’RE not the kind of person who watches TV two or three hours per day, are you? No, NO!!
YOU are the kind of person who can state out loud exactly what it is that you want most, and YOU are the kind of person who is willing to describe your dream out loud and then write down just 20 ideas on how you would START to work towards making it happen, right? Whoops; no need to say; your actions speak for you, don’t they?
Surely you want to learn to juggle, or type fast, or get along better with your spouse or your kids/parents/co-workers/boss, etc.; or maybe you want to learn a new language, or a new career, or double your income in this next 12 months... No matter what it is that you want, I’m telling you, with an unconditional guarantee, that you can actually make 8 out of every 10 dreams come true in 100 days or less, using the same, identical, superpowerful shortcuts that are used by almost every top producer on earth..
The only reason there are shortcuts is because the world’s top producers took entire lifetimes developing them through trial and error. We already know that humans are capable of achieving anything that they can conceive. It’s not what you’re able to do; it’s all about what you’re willing to do, in the next 60 seconds. Use your power to act in this, the most important minute of your life.
Instead of looking for more and newer resources, why not invest ten or twenty minutes this very day listing, on paper, the resources you NOW have access to. List resources you can squeeze more efficiently. You just might surprise yourself at the results. From your local library or Internet access, to business and academic organizations; from friends and co-workers, to relatives and former schoolmates, you already have far more of a network of resources available to you than you seem to realize. Ask better questions, today. Fact is, you're never to old to improve your circumstances. Go for it. If you don’t, you will continue serving someone else’s dreams and goals. There are no exceptions: we are cybernetic, or goal-oriented, and if you don’t work at your goals, you are certain to work for someone else’s. The horse's mouth knows more than the other end. Which end would you rather get it from? In fact, please tell us at which end of the horse can we generally expect to find you? Whoops, no need to tell us with words. Your actions are so loud, we can't hear a word you're saying. Please remember, we cannot tell what you understand based on what comes out of your mouth; only by your actions. Is there even one human being exempt from this?
This is the most powerful day of my life. That statement is the only valuable, measurable way we can tell if I'm smarter than you. Not by what I know; rather, by what I do with what I know. While also certain that this is the single most powerful day of your life, one can only wonder if YOU know that today is genuinely the most powerful day of your particular life. Before you say a word, please remember, if you knew better, you'd do better. Hush up.
This is the only day to break records, please don't tell me what you're going to do tomorrow. Henry Ford may well have published some of the most hate-filled statements of the 19th and 20th centuries. That doesn't change the power, the immediate power found in his statement that you cannot build a reputation based on what you're going to do. He also stated repeatedly that he was looking for people who were ignorant of what couldn't be done. Go ahead and unscramble that last sentence, and you'll find that you're well on your way. If you do in fact figure it out, but don't take action within minutes, then we'll clearly have proof that you didn't really figure it out beyond that first, simple meaning. You remember Forrest Gump? "Stupid is as stupid does." The opposite is also true.
Where you look is where you go. Your brain is the ultimate flashlight. Point it, baby, that's where you're going, even if "no one ever woulda believed it."There are few known exceptions for every million or so applications of it. Where you look is where you go. The body follows what the mind looks at the most, and the most ardently. That's how you get better at throwing darts, typing faster, baseball or basketball, juggling, playing piano, tying your shoelaces, and every other repetitive skill that a human works at. Your mind repeatedly issues the command for the body to do what is necessary to achieve the proper arc, angle, and more. The body follows what the mind commands, and in every single instance, the quantity and quality of result is determined by the quantity and quality of focus: how little or how much you focus your mind; and then how little or how much you focus your body.
From birth to death, every pleasing skill you possess, and some perhaps-not-so-pleasing all have two things in common: quantity of focus, and quality of focus. Period. Intelligence is nothing more, and nothing less, than the application of knowledge. Not merely possessing it; the knowledge must be put to use before it is demonstrated and proven to be actual intelligence.
This means taking specific command and control, just as you would if you managed three or three hundred people on a daily basis. You would put to use the action, the tool, called 'focus.' You would tell them what you need for them to do, specifically why you are paying them a salary, correct? You would tell them what you expect, and, if you're like most managers, it's fair to anticipate that you'll tell them how you want or need them to do whatever it is you're paying them for… …even if it means training them step by step, correct? In a nutshell, you would be taking charge. You as the Commander of Focus. If you were offered a job today managing three or three hundred people, could we count on you to try to do your best? Great. Let us, simply enough, employ your talents towards your newer and better directions. Fair enough? The same skills you're willing to use to successfully guide others can and will bring fast, long-lasting results for you and those you care most for. It is a fact. Let's make good use of that fact.
Multiply your control of, and your results from, that magnificent brain of yours, your brain containing more than a million feet of wiring to connect it's one-hundred-billion-plus 'mini-computers.' Take charge of your mind with the tiny, simple, method of answering a key question.
Here it is. You have five minutes to sit in a silent room thinking. There are a million people watching and listening. You are being graded on one thing only: where and how fully you can describe yourself at your fullest development of potential.
What will your answer be? You can dramatically impact your health, your relationships, your sex life, or earn limitless thousands of dollars by putting it in writing within the next 60 seconds and I promise you you'll be travelling right through a full 15 to 20 percent of turning it into reality. Just from the act of focusing with a pen and paper. A dream with a date is no longer a dream. It is now, in business at least, as well as sports, education, entertainment, and more, called a goal.
At this point we must acknowledge, in all fairness, the statistically-supported data that only seven out of every one hundred people are smart enough to do it. That's the simultaneously funny and tragic part: we don't mean smart enough to accomplish it. We already know that anyone smart enough to understand these words is smart enough to accomplish it. No, we mean smart enough to shut up and do it, even if it's chickenscratch handwriting on a restaurant napkin.
One of the very few things I've found to be impossible is something that I would love to see you try and successfully deny or refute. I have found it impossible to find a single role model, any superstar you are capable of naming in any human pursuit from science or entertainment to any other field of endeavor; in all of the world's history, who didn't FIRST and repeatedly, experience tragedy and/or massive screw-ups.
That's right. It's a fact. From the guy who struck out more than anyone in baseball history and the man who lost 7 political elections, or the middle-aged, divorced Grandma who moved to another country to the crippled young female polio victim who needed braces and crutches to walk, (Babe Ruth, Abraham Lincoln, Golda Meir, and Wilma Rudolph, (went from braces and crutches to running faster than any woman before or since)… right up through today, there are no known exceptions. Every one of life's great winners are those who've sustained stunning losses. A squeezable lemon is a profitable thing to be handed.
Just to clear the foregoing up for the uninitiated, Babe Ruth not only struck out more than any other man in baseball, he also hit more home runs. The guy who struck out more than anyone else except for Babe Ruth… believe it or not, was Hank Aaron, who ended up hitting more home runs than Babe Ruth. And just in case that wonderful light bulb of pattern perception hasn't flashed its coruscating brilliance upon you yet, the third most-often struck out of baseball players was none other than Mickey Mantle, who was also the third-greatest home run king.
Abe Lincoln's many political defeats simply helped him think bigger and focus better to become U.S. President.
The divorced old grandma who moved to another country? Eleven years later she was elected to several consecutive terms as Prime Minister of Israel. As for Wilma Rudolph, not allowing herself to be a victim of her polio, she took her silver medal in Olympics and simply added focus. She went back four years later, won three gold medals, and set three new running records that have never been broken or even tied in the past forty years. This from a girl not yet twenty who wore polio braces up to her teens.
We have thousands and thousands and tens of thousands of individuals who have overcome, and continue to overcome, challenges that far exceed those you experience in your own life.
Make a better decision, ask better questions... will invariably reap far better results.
Habitualize your Masters Millionaires Tao in a promordial, auto-response part of life.
When a kid, you experienced your own Masters Millionaires Tao, then? Self-conscious,
which means entering adolescence convinced you to care more about what others thought. While courtesy is a desirable human trait, it works poorly if routinely performed at your loss.
Find and figure and absorb and practice: Balance is a core of the Masters Millionaires Tao.
What you know plays second fiddle to what you do with what you know. Raise your expectations.
Raise the expectations YOU now hold for what today will hold: Either your worst, your mediocre, or your best.
Shh. What you do speaks so loudly we can hardly hear a word you say.