Hopeless Or Hopeful?   Only YOU, not the Masters Millionaires Tao, Decides What's Hopeless, and What's Not Hopeless

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Three Hopeless Cases

What torment for a woman to give birth to a child afflicted at birth with what we now know as autism. Despite several doctors having agreed that she had to institutionalize the child, she said, "No way."

Disruptive and self-destructive, he couldn't even be hugged or kissed. Doctors and specialists repeatedly told her she had to institutionalize her son. She refused. His unruly behavior at school was so egregiously disruptive he wasn't merely suspended, he was thrown out of his school. Permanently. Then another school expelled him... and another.

His speech defect, and the flat feet which excluded him from athletic pursuits, and the mocking of the other kids, all added up to a ton of pain. That pain was expressed as disruptive behavior. He was eventually kicked out of seventeen schools. Can you imagine what it must have been like? How understandable to make the decision to give up on him? How much can a parent take? What hope for a productive future can such a child's parents expect? They felt as if they were running out of schools.
They finally found a place for him in a private Swiss school. It was neither inexpensive, nor simple to accomplish. The certainty of accomplishment is vastly improved by the persistence of fierce love, of dedication to a child.

At his 18th school he discovered a fascination with, and love of, art.
It calmed him considerably. His interest and curiosity grew.

He became more manageable, and began asking himself better questions. Every human who asks better questions ends up with better answers. One repeated effort of a specific task: asking a better question about anything we urgently wish we had.
We ask ourselves, and this certainly includes you, any thousands of questions per day. Thousands and thousands of questions and decisions taken one at a time at fantastic speeds just in the course of tossing a set of keys back and forth between your left hand and your right hand.
Too many of the questions we ask each day are externally focused. The quality of your thinking, and your decision-making instantly multiplies when you take some of the questions you're already asking, silently or aloud, consciously, subconsciously or unconsciously, and replace just a few of them with better questions; questions that are so wisely answered by being focusing inward: Universal consciousness shows that you have many, many answers.
Your inner voice, your inner mind, are fantastically knowledgeable and helpful. For whatever reasons you have or think you have, you've ignored them more than heeded them, by a ridiculously large margin. The proof is in the number of times you've laughed in the past 24 hours... or the number of times you haven't.   Make this one tiny improvement in this next hour and you'll see results before you go to sleep tonight. If you really think you understand the instant, powerful value of this, then I dare you to prove it before you go to sleep tonight. Use it immediately, and get benefits immediately. It's that simple.
From the looks of your life it may be too simple for you to understand. You can change this within minutes or even seconds. Whoops. Please don't answer in words... ... because whatever you do in the next ten to sixty minutes of your life will provide a crystal-clear vision and video of where you're going to be in five years, one year, ten years, etc...      right up until the day after they bury you, when the newspaper or other media outlet will describe you in a single sentence. That sentence will be determined by what you do in the next hour, and when you really do figure this out, above and beyond what you now believe to be true, you'll be smiling.

Back in the States, with a family of his own to feed, he struggled and struggled. One of the better answers he came up with was that, however rough things were in his life, he had to spend at least a couple of hours per week trying to express his artistic side. In those minutes reserved just for his creative side, he wrote a screenplay that attracted interest. Broke as can be, he actually turned down the stunning sum of $250,000 for the script, because the buyers wanted the script outright. He refused to let go of the script unless he could also direct the movie!! Wait, it gets better: He wanted to star in it, too!
When your electric bill is unpaid, your refrigerator and cupboards empty, a over one million dollars is one whale of a pile of money. His desire to direct and star in his creation was so great that the short-term challenges of physical hunger, pressure from the electric company to pay his bill or face turnoff, not to mention his wife and family, were factors he decided he had to tolerate in order to make his dream come true.

Know for sure that you've got to have a dream if you're going to make a dream come true. Put a date on it, and it's not a dream anymore. It's now called a goal. At 20 million dollars per movie, the guy who refused to sell that script won his battle, developing fame as "Rocky."

Is he smarter than you?             Better connected?

No, he had a desired destination.

    When do   you   start asking better questions? With better questions, he got better answers. He asked himself what he had to do to make it happen, writing out answers, creating what is called a map, and resolving to stick to his map. Take a desire; put a deadline on it. Now it's a goal. This is the most concise explanation of how computers work; how the human brain and body work together: with goals. The fancy word is 'cybernetics.'

A dream with a deadline is a goal. Please remember that. Sylvester Stallone presented us with every reason to think that his better questions helped him to become a sensitive, sensible, philanthropic, happy and wealthy individual, rather than what he was headed for. He was not born that way, and he did not get that way by accident. He asked himself a whole series of better questions, and, y'know, he got better answers. If you look back at the past 24 hours, I'm willing to wager that Christopher Reeves, breathing only by grace of God a breathing apparatus, and enormous personal desire, moved closer to the attainment of his lifetime goals than you have. Now just stop & think about this a moment. Here's a man who has every 'reason' or excuse to just stop trying.

Instead, he looks at his life & his family as BEING every reason to keep trying. Advancing hisphysical rehabilitation, doing work for spinal injury causes, directing a major motion picture... if Chris Reeves can do all this, can you please tell me why you have almost certainly embraced little more than mediocrity in the past twenty-four hours?

Exactly what have you done TODAY towards your long-term dreams? Do you even have a dream? If you don't know precisely where you're going, the Masters Millionaires Tao knows that you are most likely to end up somewhere else.

Flexible creativity - common trait of leaders
How flexible are you?   How creative?

If you had a genie, and 3 wishes, what would they be?
The Masters Millionaires Tao is asking you to put it in writing in the next 60 seconds. If you can't be bothered, you're a fool to waste your time reading any further. If you're smart enough to do it now, you will, and it's a promise, be one step closer to your dream than if you don't. This is basic logic. Are you with me so far? Don't talk: DO IT!

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We started with three hopeless cases here, referring to three people who just about everyone else had or has given up on:     Sylvester Stallone, Christopher Reeves... ... and you.
There has always been at least one person who's never stopped believing that they are meant for good and big things in life, including you. I know for a fact that you personally can do more for this world before you move on. However trite or corny you may say it sounds, the dispassionate fact is, Newton's Third Law of Physics does not fail, and cannot fail. The most hopeless possible situation always and without fail contains opposite traits. There is no yin without the yang.
You may already be familiar with, or at least aware of Newton's Third Law of Physics, formally or otherwise.

For every action in this universe,
there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Well worth capital letters. Scientists will routinely tell you that there are very few absolutes in life. We use capital letters for Newton's Laws because they are unchanging. That's good news for you because knowing something in advance is a fantastic resource for you to tap into 365 days per year.

When you look at the people who have broken records at the Olympics and in other venues, you find again and again that the people who do it the best are more often than not people who overcame crippling diseases or losses that stun the life out of more than 9 of every 10 people who experience such losses.

In each and every case, each Olympic gold medalist and corporate or institutional leader personally interviewed, you find that they all tapped into Newton's Third Law.
When you know for a fact that what goes up must come down; when you are totally certain that what goes around must come around, that is the moment for you to shut up and get busy. You have so many resources around you: every time you use one, there will always be a result.
Please answer a simple enough question:

When a sculptor hits a huge piece of marble with hammer and chisel a hundred and two hundred and three hundred times, and you see zero evidence that he's getting anywhere, isthere any factual, intelligent, logical reason to continue?

After all, he hit the dang thing a couple of hundred times, not a chip, crack, or even much of a deep scratch. What POSSIBLE reason could he have for continuing to strike away at the slab of stone? Isn't it obvious to a duck that nothing's happening?

Please get this clear in your mind: that sculptor knows for an absolute fact that every action has an equal andopposite reaction. Anything we do enough times with a focus on doing it well will produce world-class results. There are no known exceptions, none whatsoever, and that includes you.
You know just as well as the sculptor, or you certainly would if you watched him/her, or better yet, tried it yourself, that the stone will eventually split right down the middle of that strike zone, even if it's a one-hundred ton stone.
No one's asking you to split a helluva hunk of marble or granite. You're simply asked to wake up to the fact that, however bad it seems right now,
-- there are ALWAYS people worse off than you: those whose mistakes cost them their lives. For them there is no decision to make about living without a lost limb, they have no more life.
If you have the brains to have gotten to this page, and to understand these words, then we both know that you have enormous strengths in you that you've been ignoring. This is your wake-up call, Sister.    Every ounce of energy you're now using to focus on what's wrong?     Take that same energy to focus on the solution.  Every single action you take is guaranteed to produce a result. If you don't like your results, it means you don't like the steps you're taking to produce that result.
Just a little bit less talk, and a tiny bit more action, and you'll quickly glean fast, effective results; what we call "accelerated results" with the use of our best shortcuts.

Changing the effort always always always changes the result. It's a perfect law of life, we call it Newton's Third Law of Physics. This afternoon it will begin producing better results for you. The law will profit and benefit you, and others around you, just as it has for me, and for billions of humans who have walked the planet.
That's why you have this program, and and many thousands of connected webpages, all for free. I take no profit, my identify remains anonymous. This is for you, because I believe in you. It's probably fair to say I've overcome more handicaps than you have. I've made my life exciting, and fun, and I believe you can, and will, the same day you begin using the shortcuts of those who've already done what you want to do, and be, and have. I believe in you. Now, let's get YOU to believe in you... more than ever before. Thousands and thousands of newcomers to the Masters Millionaires Tao use these delightful, high-speed powers to vault ahead of yesterday's actions, if only by the magical one percent repeated over and over again. Be, if only for a few minutes, like others who review these PowerGems of the Masters Millionaires Tao, et alia, and see them as tools to sharpen the tools you already have. Get the self-confidence business over with, so you can focus more of your mind, more of your energies, into resolution. "Hopeless" has become a cliche. Very little about YOUR situation is hopeless, so let us all see you focusing on resolution.

Sylvester Stallone and Chris Reeves, successful men, describe exactly what they want. If we're unwilling to heed the wisdom of those already doing it better than us, then is there any sense in proceeding at all?   Let's remember that those who do it better ... ... know it better.

Whether it's a fun wedding or a better job or directing a movie or increasing your income a modest 50% within 8 weeks: it doesn't matter WHAT it is you want. If you know exactly WHY you want it, and candescribe in detail what it is you want, you have already accomplished at least 1 or 2 percent of the job. Now you only have 98 steps left! You can actually change your life in the next 5 minutes.

Put up or hush up. Describe, out loud & in writing, precisely what you most want in life. Begin creating a plan by writing out who can help you, & what 5 smaller steps you'd have to take in order to do or obtain it. It's really true: you can change your life in the next 5 minutes, not by talking about what you know... rather, by USING what you know. Talk less; do more: it's the only way we'll ever know who you are. The way you spend today's hours is a pretty good video preview of how you will be remembered. So,if your challenges and obstacles are less daunting than what Sylvester Stallone, Christopher Reeves and so many others have faced, what are you waiting for?

I repeat,

What Are You Waiting For?!!

This is the most powerful day of your life, a day to put a date on your dream, listing who can help you, and breaking it into 10, 20, or even fifty or a hundred smaller steps.  Why wait?

Should you even momentarily think that this is difficult, please remember that you take these precise steps every single time you want something urgently. Here, you're invited to write it down simply because writing it down is a shortcut: it helps you get there faster. If you knew better, you'd do better. If you're living your dream life of passion, excitement, and fun; of service, and relaxing and productivity, then by all means, continue. Otherwise, hush up and try doing it the way masters and millionaires do it.
You see, they know better; they're
doing it better. If you're not getting it from the horse's mouth, at which end of the horse will we find you?

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    This is intended to mean that those who make money as a wonderful result of these incredible success shortcuts,
poured forth from the mouths of masters and millionaires, champions and billionaires,
are obligated to give my share to feed hungry people.
  All rights are reserved for people who feed those who haven't been able to feed themselves.

Erase Starvation With The Masters Millionaires Tao         Masters Millionaires Tao Help TheHungerSite Button

For starving children, hopeless often really does mean hopeless, with a thousand children dying of starvation every hour.
Use of the Masters Millionaires Tao, and as well, means routinely reversing what is hopeless,
turning what seemed hopeless into a hope-filled effort and striving towards achievement, fulfillment, and often even survival.
Feeding starving children obviously turns THEIR apparently hopeless situations into possibilities for a healthy, productive lifetime.
The Masters Millionaires Tao invites you to consider how YOUR putatively hopeless situations change when you reach out to help.
If you do not yet recognize the value to YOU of helping the helpless, of uplifting the hopeless, with as little as a single clickthrough,
then today is a great day to learn about Newton's 3rd law of physics, which assures YOU of benefit when you reach out to them.
The helpless and hopeless of the world can be counted as YOUR projects, albeit promoted for the most selfish of reasons.
Each time you help the helpless, the universe takes notice, and repays you, most often most generously, and repeatedly.
No need to believe this, or to consider this mere "rah-rah" mentality, because it is among the greatest of your powers.
Put the "help the hopeless to help yourself" attitude and approach to work yourself, finding free ways to help out.
Even when it does not cost you a penny, the Masters Millionaires Tao proves to turn your gifts into your profit.

"The more you give, the more you get." You have very likely heard or learned this before. Now, it is time,
time to give in order to get... Giving more means getting more, and proof is only found in experience.

Learn more, live more, give more... a relatively magic formula for YOU.

Core principles of the Masters Millionaires Tao (and Way To Aging Gracefully ) are proven by millions every day.
Today, turn a hopeless life into a hopeful life, by giving as little as a free cup of food with your clickthrough.
See for yourself the power of one human, YOU, to add hope to the hopeless as you empower yourself.

Remember, if Oprah could turn a "hopeless" life into a lifetime of leadership
  SO   CAN   YOU!!
If a persistently-failing appliance salesman could figure out how to give away
more than 100 million dollars' worth of food
-- which Paul Newman certainly did, also by using these great shortcuts of masters and millionaires
-- then surely we can increase your income at least 50 percent in the next 100 days... empowering you to afford to feed more hungry people, yes?

Masters Millionaires Tao Inverts The Hopeless With Master Secrets Of The Universe

Most everything great that happens is because someone was asked to take an action.
Whatever it is you most want, the Masters Millionaires Tao warrants how simple it is to get:
When you ask someone for something, seeming hopeless does not work as much in your favor,
not even close to what happens when you ask with smiles, one of YOUR hidden master secrets.
Make no mistake, do not underestimate, the life-changing power of your smiles when you are asking.

Shhh. Your opinion means so little until and unless a majority of people say "Yes!" to your requests.
"Yes" is nice, "Yes!" is even better, and that exclamation point should serve you long and well.
That extra little something you invest into your smile has more influence on the human brain,
more impact than thousands of words you might offer, however persuasive they may be.

Hopeless is a state of mind, hopelessness is an attitude more than a circumstance.
Invert and reverse what you have perceived as hopeless as your greatest opportunities.
Napoleon Hill, father of the "self-improvement" school of thinking, gave us "Think and Grow Rich."
Grandfather of the Masters Millionaires Tao, which interacted with more than 5,200 masters and millionaires,
(versus Napoleon Hilll's time and interviews with 500 of the most accomplished men of his generation (no ladies).
this transformational book was cited by hundreds of well-known millionaires over succeeding generations.
In it, and through so many subsquent testimonials, Napoleon made it clear that it is our weakness first.
THAT is the place to look for our weakest areas become our greatest strengths.

When you ask someone for something, do not be hopeless, be hope-filled, comprehensively hopeful.
A smile, YOUR smile, will open countless new doors to you, even as soon as today and tomorrow, etc.

Remind yourself that the Masters Millionaires Tao is restricted to the master secrets of the known universe.
The only secrets and shortcuts repeated within Masters Millionaires Tao or Way To Aging Gracefully precincts,
are the secrets and shortcuts that neither constitute nor claim opinions, only the steps of the hyper-winners among us.
Whoever is at the top of a given food chain, if not obligated, is certainly entitled to teach all the rest, who need to be silent.
Those who do it the best prove they know it the best, and changing hopeless into hopeful can take a little as a heartfelt smile.






Many broken records are a part of this largest personal website ever built.
It is hoped that you will Make the most of THIS day of your life,
because yesterday is history,
tomorrow is a mystery.
Today is a gift,
    which we know because,
we call it the present.

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Welcome to one of the world's largest websites,
if not actually the largest website in cyberspace with 1,000,000 unique web pages

© EasyStreet, USA by MisterShortcut MrShortcut
All rights reserved for those who feed who cannot feed themselves, fair enough?

For now, you can feed people with a free click
Corporate sponsors buy over a cup of food for your clicks.                                 Nice... saving a life with clicks!
In loving memory of Monsignor Bernie Kellogg, obm,
and his most ardent student, known to many as MisterShortcut
Thanks, honors, and praise to the rather holy Paul Newman, who sloooowllllly earned
hundreds of millions of dollars in his years... and used most to help the helpless.

Erasing Starvation, Easing Hunger With Masters Millionaires Tao

If you recognize that the earth's residents are not treating each other particularly well,
then you possess sufficient awareness of your surroundings to make a huge difference.
Selfish benefit is your best reason for helping the helpless.
If you think that you can save lives every day for thousands of days, or even hundreds of days...
without having the universe generously repaying you, then you still don't know Newton's Law.

How sweet it is: Reduce starvation, and more, with FREE CLICKS. Sponsors pay for each click - Wow!
What goes up, must come down, what goes around comes around. Help the helpless, to see the action.
When you save lives, you can be ENTIRELY confident that the universe will repay you, & generously.

Hunger and Poverty:
Let's end starvation
Live the Way To Aging Gracefully
Help others to live stronger longer
BE Your Masters Millionaires Tao
Giving Means Getting

Feed Hungry in Brazil

Feed Veterans With A Click! -- Now!

Word Puzzle Homeless Kids

Food for Hungry in India

Polish Hunger Site (Click the tummy)

TheHungerSite - one click, one life saved

Feed Kids in Africa (Click Cup)

Seeds for Africa (Quiz)

Help Children - (Care2.com)

Donate Rice (Click Answers)

Donate 7 Days of Water

Donate 2 Days Clean Water - (CareToClick)

Purify Water - CareToClick

Donate Bread (Click Loaf)

Help Plant a Tree and help save the world

Donate Vitamins - (CareToClick)

Medical Care for Kids - (CareToClick)

The Child Health Site

Kid's Hospital In Mexico - Click button on left

Childrens Health (Japanese)

Help Prevent Teen Suicide

1 Day of Education - (CareToClick)

Give Free Books Literacy Site

- Just click each button, hit CTRL W to close each window. Great!

Word Puzzle Philippine Aid

Listen to Donate to Charity

New York Charities

Charities Japan

Watch a Video $1 goes to Village

Word Puzzle Rain Forest

Word Puzzle for Water

Fight Animal Cruelty - (CareToClick.com)

Animal Rescue Site

Rescue Animals 
- (Care2.com)

Help Animals - (clicanimaux.com)

Animal Blankets

DonateDog Food

Meals for Dogs

Shelter Dogs Poland

Dogs Japan

Help Dogs - (clicanimaux.com)

Help Cats - (clicanimaux.com)

Donate Cat Food

Savethe Big Cats - (Care2.com)

Feed a Big Cat

Save Chimps - (Care2.com)

Help Ducks / Geese - (clicanimaux.com)

Help Horses - (clicanimaux.com)

Core Principles Of The Masters Millionaires Tao Assure Repayment
When You Alleviate Hunger and Starvation, ESPECIALLY In Kids

Masters Millionaires Tao PowerGem

If you knew better, you would do better. The Masters Millionaires Tao imitates those who do.

Cease forming opinions before thinking. If your opinion was right, you would be a master now.
Use of the Way To Aging Gracefully and Masters Millionaires Tao virtually assures your mastery.
From today, remember to imitate masters, and THEN innovate with your knowledge and experience.
Trading just one of every ten chatty, petty minutes for ONE minute of your greatest thinking profits you.
The best opinions you can benefit from are opinions of those who have repeatedly out-succeeded the rest.
The Masters Millionaires Tao is YOUR journey of self-empowerment, with YOUR Godfather of EyeCandy, etc.
Employ the great shortcuts of masters and millionaires, great shortcuts of champions and billionaires,
and, provably, YOUR shortcuts to succeeding. The Masters Millionaires Tao is here for your life.
Much of the Masters Millionaires Tao is based on secrets of masters and millionaires.
Mimicking the actions of masters and millionaires, we tend to imitate their results.
Until you replicate their results, or nearly so, your opinion is counter-profitable.
Get it first from the mouth of the horse, imitate, & THEN might you innovate.
This is a decidedly powerful master secret of the universe, a top shortcut.

Winning On Purpose - Of COURSE There Are Easy Shortcuts   - Look For People Already Doing It 
Suggestions of the Masters Millionaires Tao Regarding Success, Hunger Eradication, and magic secrets.

Excellence is not known to happen by accident, so, win intentionally.
Find more within yourself, and such rich, uncountable assets you now have access to.
Live YOUR Way To Aging Gracefully and Masters Millionaires Tao using what you have.

Every day you waste is filled with minutes - opportunities - you cannot get back.
Conversely, each day that you fill with moments to remember, you need no refund.
Thus, living with excellence is a choice, one that you will find happens WITH PURPOSE.
Take the time to stop every single day to enumerate clearly the top five items of the day.
That's a high-speed approach to grabbing the Masters Millionaires Tao with both hands, hm?
Intentionally improving by ONE percent all that you need to repeat proves YOUR master secret.
Engage the Masters Millionaires Tao to accelerate your mastery, and the Masters Millionaires Tao will reciprocate.
Alleviating hunger, MOST ESPECIALLY in starving children, is among YOUR best and fastest shortcuts.    Try it.
Put this to the test! Belief in the Masters Millionaires Tao is not required at all
Find helpless people or animals, and help them. The more anonymously you give, the more you get back.
How could you consider forming an opinion about anything you have not yet displayed any expertise in?
Our first and best step when we identify what we are determined to excel at is to identify true masters.
Once we imitate their steps, even their attitudes and words and questions and statements, WATCH!
Watch and see as each of us who uses this masterful formula imitates the results, or nearly so.
World records, broken-shattered countless numbers of times. Heed a voice of experience.
Most anything you ever master, or intend to, already has champions, true, or not?
Identify who does it best. Imitate what they do most often, imitate their results.
You get to choose who you imitate, just as you choose what you will master

Until you imitate their results, ALL opinions all-silent.

This is a particularly utile component of your Masters Millionaires Tao, a potent brain-tool.

Use this high-speed master secret of your universe.
Magic results in one to twenty-one days for 99% of humans.
What you know is second to what you do with what you know.
Take back your precious minutes. List much of your day in advance.
Imitate masters. Help the helpless. See what happens to YOUR profit.
Easing starvation, a purely preventable disease of greed, you will win.
Look at those living their own Masters Millionaires Tao and Way To Aging Gracefully.
They win on purpose by imitating the best of the rest of us, and THEN innovating on it.
Are you sharp enough to count the fullest number of universal shortcuts in this Shapetalk?
Raise your IQ, rapidly, by merely hand-writing all of them, in your own words, repeatedly.

Hopeless is a state of mind far more than a state of circumstance, beyond those we create.
Hopeless is even a way of life, when it's intimately embraced. That is a choice for each of us.
Living with the boundaries of your own personal Masters Millionaires Tao, no need to choose it,
since the experience of the Masters Millionaires Tao inside of you tolerates no hopelessness.